Season 1

7: "The Future of the Sport" (Poker Face S1E7)

7: "The Future of the Sport" (Poker Face S1E7)

Vroom vroooom, buckle up everybody, start your engines, and let’s burn rubber as Penny, Jason, and special guest Steve “Live Steve” Brown speed through this week’s episode! Seems this one was a lot of people’s least favorite, but we pulled the ep over for a pit stop, broke it down, kicked the tires,...

6: "Exit Stage Death" (Poker Face S1E6)

6: "Exit Stage Death" (Poker Face S1E6)

Welcome back, Murder Magneteers! Join Jason, Penny and Jade as they dissect Episode 6, “Exit Stage Death.” This one is about the theater, so you know our resident actor has a lot to say. The play within a show, “Ghosts of Pensacola,” won’t be winning any Tony Awards, but Ellen Barkin and Tim Meadows...

4: "Rest in Metal" (Poker Face S1E4)

4: "Rest in Metal" (Poker Face S1E4)

Join us on the road with Charlie and her new friends, Doxxology, for a rip-roaring metal adventure, complete with MURDER! Enjoy this free-ranging conversation about true artistry, being barefoot, misophonia, the nature of metal and crowd-surfing. You’ll be humming Merch Girl for weeks. REST IN METAL...

3: "The Stall" (Poker Face S1E3)

3: "The Stall" (Poker Face S1E3)

We put the podcast in your teeth, but YOU gonna get it out!Links from news:Molly Givens' interview with Ryan Johnson on creating the show, collaborators Natasha Lyonne and Ryan Johnson, trace the TV origins of poker face. The star and creator of the peacock crime, thril...

2: "The Night Shift" (Poker Face S1E2)

2: "The Night Shift" (Poker Face S1E2)

Such a fun episode! We had a blast with it. This is what happens in here. Deception and Lying Quiz: From the news:• How Rian Johnson Plans to Subvert TV’s Binge Model with Poker Face:

1: "Dead Man's Hand" (Poker Face S1E1)

1: "Dead Man's Hand" (Poker Face S1E1)

Poker Face kicks off with a banger of an episode, with an introduction to our intrepid, truth-divining, Lady Galahad-of-a protagonist, Charlie Cale, and a fantastically weaselly guest-starring performance by none other than Adrien Brody. Jade, Penny, and Jason chat about our favorite parts, the impl...