It was such a pleasure to revisit TWD S1E1 “Days Gone Bye” and find that it’s as fantastic an episode of television as we remembered, and also to explore how our perspective on it has changed now that we’ve seen the whole series and we’ve all got 13 more years of life behind us.
We’re excited to keep going with the rewatch, and hopefully make our way back through the entire series, and we need your help to make it a success.
- Please let your WD-loving friends know we’re doing this. Just send them to They’ll thank you for it :)
- If you’re in a Walking Dead Facebook group (or any other WD group), let them know too! I’d think people who are fans would be into it. T
- You can email your thoughts or send a voice message to
- Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at
- You can find out all the info on the Walker Stalker Con Facebook page:
- If you want to hear those, sign up for my Patreon:
- There you’ll also find the most recent episode of my Patreon-exclusive podcast, The Zedhead Show, called “Welcome to the Apocalypse”, where Lucy, Randy, Robert, Jenny, and I had a blast with some ZA improv :P
- You’ll also get ad-free episodes of this podcast and every other podcast I’m on, along with a bunch of other cool s#!t. Thank you for the support!
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