Yellowjackets wtf?

Yellowjackets wtf?

Yellowjackets is dark, edgy, mysterious, well-written, well-acted, and crazy AF, and we're as obsessed about it as you are! Come join us for some fun, in-depth discussions about this incredible show.

We're Podcastica, and we've been doing episode-by-episode deep dives into amazing TV shows for over a decade now. Check out our other fare at Buzz buzz buzz!

(Podcast art by Ellie Duke.)

44: “It Girl” & “Dislocation” (S3E1&2)

44: “It Girl” & “Dislocation” (S3E1&2)

Return to the wilderness as all four of us, Wendy, Daphne, Penny, and Jason, dissect the Season 3 two-episode premiere.  Next up: Yellowjackets S3E3 “Them’s the Breaks.” Once you’ve seen it, let us know your thoughts! You can email or send a voice message to  Or check o...

43: Yellowjackets Catch-Up

43: Yellowjackets Catch-Up

It’s that special time of year where we… follow a team of high school soccer champions into the wilderness and watch them hunt each other! Woo hoo! :P Okay, we’re pretty much giddy with excitement to be on the brink of Yellowjackets season three. Join Penny, Wendy, and Jason as we go through the ev...

42: Yellowjackets Season 3 Trailer Breakdown

42: Yellowjackets Season 3 Trailer Breakdown

How are you spending Valentine’s Day? Hearts and flowers, or maybe a dose of cannibalism and chaos? Join Daphne, Penny, and Wendy as we dive into the trailer for Yellowjackets Season 3, premiering February 14 on Showtime streaming. We’re buzzing with excitement for what’s to come—hope you are too! ...

41: Lord of the Flies (1954 Novel)

41: Lord of the Flies (1954 Novel)

Hey everyone, we missed the podcast and decided to come back and check out one of the inspirations for Yellowjackets, namely William Golding award-winning 1954 novel Lord of the Flies, about a group of young boys stranded on an island and the tension between civility and savagery that ensues. Wendy ...

40: Yellowjackets Trivia

40: Yellowjackets Trivia

Hey Yellowjacketeers, here’s a little holiday surprise for you. Join Daphne, Jason, Jenny, and quizmaster Penny for some YJ trivia. We’re pretty rusty so let’s see if you guys can get more questions right than we did…. Note/correction: We looked it up, and it turns out that the teddy bear in one of ...

39: Alive (1993)

39: Alive (1993)

Daphne and Penny welcome Jenny and Lucy to discuss the 1993 movie, “Alive,” starring Ethan Hawk, Josh Hamilto and Vincent Spano and based on the true story of the 1972 Andes plane crash and unbelievable survival and rescue. Join this quartet to talk about survival in the real world, how it compares ...

38: Best Music Moments in Yellowjackets

38: Best Music Moments in Yellowjackets

As we all know, Yellowjackets kicks all kinds of ass when it comes to putting just the right song with just the right moment. This episode, Daphne, Wendy, and Penny share some of our favorites. Check out our Facebook group where we chat about Yellowjackets and a bunch of other great shows. Join us! ...

37: Barbie

37: Barbie

Reposted from The ‘Cast of Us, which you can find at: — Here’s a little pinkified palate cleanser for y’all - it’s Kara, Penny, and Jason talking Barbie! If you haven’t tuned in to the cultural phenom that is the new Barbie movie yet, it was directed and...

36: Top 5 Most F***ed-Up Moments on Yellowjackets

36: Top 5 Most F***ed-Up Moments on Yellowjackets

We took on the challenge of coming up with a list of the top five most f***ed up moments on Yellowjackets. As you know, there were A LOT to choose from. Huge shout out to our listeners and also everyone at the Yellowjackets on Showtime Discussion Group on Facebook for chiming in and making sure we h...

35: "Storytelling" Listener Buzz Part 2

35: "Storytelling" Listener Buzz Part 2

My god, here’s another 3 1/2 hours on the YJ season finale, and that’s thanks to you guys sending in such fantastic feedback. Seriously, thank you all so much for your insights, humor, theories, and perspectives this season. What a joy to have you as a part of this with us! I also wanna sincerely th...

34: "Storytelling" Listener Buzz Part 1

34: "Storytelling" Listener Buzz Part 1

We’re thrilled to have gotten so much feedback from you guys for the finale, thank you!! It was so much that we’re splitting it up into two parts, and for part 1 we’re joined by Alex who hosted our weekly instant reaction videos over at . We’ll be back in a few days or so wit...

33: "Storytelling" (S2E9)

33: "Storytelling" (S2E9)

A wild season finale, and we wouldn’t expect anything else from this show :) All four of us, Wendy, Daphne, Penny, and Jason, are here to talk it all through. Thanks so much to all of you for listening along with us!!! We appreciate all of you! If you liked this podcast and want more to tide you ove...