The Wheel of Time, based on the beloved series of books, tells the story of a society broken by male magic users, driven mad by the One Power, and the foretold return of their leader, to either save or doom the world. Beautiful landscapes, complex political intrigue, and intense battle sequences stand out in the fight between an unlikely group of heroes and the overwhelming forces of the Shadow. Let the Dragon ride again on the Winds of Time!
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Wow, what a season finale!! We have to admit, this was pretty elevated, and if we sound a little fanboy-ish about's cause it was flipping awesome! Another Final Boss Battle! The band gets back together! Mat is a Hero of the Horn! Egwene goes full bad-a$$! The Dragon is Proclaimed! The stars ...
Join us for the penultimate episode of this season of The Wheel of Time as Greg and Veronica break down the dense episode that covered a lot of emotion and gave us some background into the heavy loads that Moiraine and Siuan have been carrying. We really enjoyed the story, and are really looking for...
Ooof. That was a tough one. Sorry about the late publication, things happen. Anywhoo, The Empire Strikes Back in the Wheel of Time!!! Everyone enslaved or stilled or killed! Or just abandoned! (Thanks Mat!) The Wheel of Time ‘Cast finally has it’s full complement of hosts this week as Greg, Veronica...
Huzzah! Ben is back! These episodes are so dense, and so much story, we didn't have enough points to totally cover it! From more details about the Seanchan to the blatant revelation of the Black Ajah, to Lanfear and her definitive obsession with the Dragon, join Ben and Greg as they discuss in GREAT...
Oh boy, this was a bit of a harsh episode. From the ashes of an inn rises a…Forsaken lover? Little of bit of timeline confusion, but we got quite a few reveals from this episode, and some secrets aired out, from some of Moiraine’s history, to the revelation that all Aes Sedai don’t necessarily fight...
At long last, our coverage of Episode 3! Apologies for the delay, but we are almost caught up! This was quite a dense episode, showing development on a lot of fronts, but can we just give a golf-clap for a heck of a performance by Zoë Robbins? Nynaeve went through a lot here, and we want to apologiz...
More adventures across the land! Mental hospital orderlies in Cairhein, hallucinating trackers, super cranky Aes Sedai, jolly sneaky prisoners , and less jolly and less sneaky novices in (and out of) the White Tower! Could Mat BE a more cheerful inmate? Join Veronica and Greg as they break down this...
The Wheel of Time is back!! Almost 2 years after the release of season 1, the Dragon is back and riding on the winds of...well, the podcast waves. Six months have passed since Rand fought whom he thought was the Dark One at the Eye of the World, and Moiraine has been cut off from the Source. Join Gr...
The end of the first season is here, and reviews are...mixed. Some great heavy acting from mainstays and favorite characters, mingled with some pretty confusing lingo and concepts led to some disagreements on the episode, but we had a great time breaking this one down. From a pretty intriguing (alth...
The Dragon Reborn is finally revealed!! Ben returns with Wendy and Greg to discuss an amazing opening sequence and their take on the the penultimate episode of this season. From a battle in the Ways to the fortress of Fal Dara to the return of our favorite peddler, we break down our favorite (or les...
From learning the White Tower power structure and politics, to sucking the Dark out of Mat and kicking Moiraine out of the Tower, to the Aes Sedai Boss Bitch and a giant stone Portal in the middle of a random field, we got a really full episode finally developing Moiraine as a character. Greg, Wendy...
Our adventurers have finally reached the White Tower and it's host city of Tar Valon, and it's not quite what we expected. Between meeting a talkative Ogier (O-gear, apparently), Nynaeve getting caught in White Tower politics, and a heart-wrenching end to a character, Greg, Wendy and Ben talk their ...